Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Protect Your Personal Data on A Wi-Fi Network

With the latest innovations and introductions to technology, people are increasingly benefiting and want to get the most out of them. In fact, a Wi-Fi network has been the latest demand for every laptop and smart phone user. The ultimate benefit we get from the Wi-Fi network is that we can get the fastest browsing and usage of internet applications. But this advantage involves some kinds of risks which affect the cyber security of your computer or online world.

Today's Wi-Fi networking products are sometimes unable to help the user get relief from online hacking and virus attacks. With wireless network security services you can save your time and get an effective solution for the safety of your computer and can make more efficient use of internet applications.

Internet security is the basic necessity of any server and helps in detecting unauthenticated elements that try to penetrate your accounts, emails or online world. Important tips essential for every Wi-Fi user wanting to improve network security on a wireless connection are mentioned below:

Change the default administrator username and password

Every home Wi-Fi network has an access point or router which controls the setting. Manufacturers provide some web pages that allow the owners to enter into the user's network, address and account information. These web tools can be protected by the login screen to allow only the rightful owner to work with it. By changing its settings, you can easily prohibit hackers from misusing your control panel to extract information.

Get WPA/WEP encryption

Encryption is a technology that scrambles the messages sent over wireless networks and makes them temporarily unreadable. Pick the strongest form of encryption that is compatible with your wireless network. Since all Wi-Fi devices on your network must share identical encryption, you need to find the "lowest common denominator" setting.

Avoid auto connect to open Wi-Fi networks

When you connect to an open Wi-Fi network, your computer is exposed to security risks. Although most computers have an available setting that allows these connections to be processed automatically without bothering the user, the user should disable this setting to prevent unauthorized connection to his network.

Use firewalls for every computer and router

The latest network routers have built-in firewall capabilities with the option of disabling them. These firewalls are very essential for wireless network security since the firewalls installed can provide you with regular alerts and notifications in case of any unidentified software heading your way. It also scans incoming and outgoing emails to check for viruses, spam and hacking attempts. Therefore, for extra protection, consider installing and running personal firewall software on each computer connected to the router.

By following these important tips, you can prevent your computer and router from being hijacked by hackers. With the benefits of the best network security tools, you can prevent unauthorized persons from getting into your Wi-Fi traffic. Search online to find the best network security tool for the ultimate wireless network security.

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How VPN Is Safer Than Trusted Computing

Business enterprises and government institutions are constantly looking for ways to protect data security. The cyber fraud is increasing and no user is safe on the internet. Every individual and organization should potentially establish secure platforms to communicate with other systems on the internet. The challenge in establishing secure platforms is that anonymity is compromised while enhancing security. For internet users, anonymity is equally important as security and hence, finding the right platform to ensure anonymity and security at the same time is important. Moreover, the platform should have minimal demands from the clients because the use of mobile devices and mobile internet can't always guarantee access to consistent hardware and software from the client side.

Trusted Computing - What Is It?

Trusted computing is a new kind of technology developed by an exclusive Trusted Computing Group. This group essentially believes that software security should be coupled with hardware security to provide trusted and safe environments for internet users to gain safe and secure access to internet. According to trusted computing technology, consistent behavior is expected from the client side and this behavior is reinforced by a combination of hardware and software. To make anonymity possible, the trusted computing technology uses a trusted third party as a middleman between the client and server.

VPN - How It Works?

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology believes in the use of trusted and secure servers as middleman between client and server. Rather than connecting to the main server, the clients will establish contacts with the secure server which will in turn connect to the main server requested by the client. All the data transferred from client to trusted server will stay secure and the server will attempt to provide security and anonymity to clients. The main server will never even know that the client is connecting through a secure middleman server.

Why VPN Is Safe And Better Than Trusted Computing?

When two different technologies are available to meet the same purpose, it is only natural to compare the technologies to find out a better option. The technology that is only suitable for people and organizations with a specific set of resources can't be implemented by everyone and this where VPN gains a winning point. Moreover, trusted computing technology is still in its budding stage and not everyone can benefit from it.

The trusted computing technology is only possible when the clients have resources and means to use services of trusted third parties. The server that has to connect with the client should also have access to trusted servers. Otherwise, anonymity is impossible. VPN on the other hand is very well established and the servers don't have to worry about the source of the connection. Complete anonymity is guaranteed for client computers and data transferred between client and VPN servers is always secure. Moreover, mobile VPN is also available and hence, you can securely access internet even from your mobile devices. The quality of data security and anonymity you obtain from VPN servers directly depends on the service provide and that is why you should trust leaders in the industry like and

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Common WiFi Security Problems and Solutions

The internet is a very important aspect of our lives and most people will spend of a majority of their day on the internet. As more people continue to go on the internet, the risk of running into problems will rise simply because technology allows hackers a better opportunity. Here are some of the most common WiFi security problems and solutions to use.

Modulation Spectrum Technique: This is a technique that has been used for quite some time now and it uses very low security. This allows hackers to access your computer fairly easily and you are very open to viruses. The solution to this is to ensure that you have the latest model for modulation spectrum to protect the WiFi for this problem.

Change Default Passwords: Hackers are also able to hack into the default password that your manufacturer gives your computer. These hackers will then use your password to access all of your personal files. The solution to this is to change your default password right away and to ensure that you choose a password that is very hard to guess yet something that you can always remember. Some suggest that you make a combination of letters and numbers to guarantee that hackers will not have access.

Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP): Sometimes you will hear that it is a good idea to use WEP as a way to be secure but this is actually a very insecure process as it is fairly easy to break a WEP's encryption. The solution to really get through this problem is to upgrade your wireless encryption to a VPN which is called a Virtual Private Network.

Crackers: This is arguably one of the biggest problems when it comes to WiFi because crackers are very advanced when it comes to WiFi. The solution to avoid crackers is by using the different methods that use the placement of access points in the area that you want. WiFi is a combo of wireless and devices that use wires and so dividing these two things will be able to avoid crackers.

Service Set Identifier (SSID): Another big problem for WiFi security is breaking the service of SSID. This is very easy to break through and is easily broken with a sniffing tool. You will be able to avoid this problem by using an encryption like radius or by using encryption of data.

The internet is very open and the problem is that most people have no idea how to handle themselves when they are using the internet. Most wireless internet connections are very vulnerable and it is highly recommended that you do not just enter any open wireless internet connection as this can very well be a trap. When you are outside leeching for internet, be sure to only use protected connections that need passwords as this is a great way to stay protected. When you have WiFi at home, it is also recommended that you create a password and make sure no one else uses your connection.

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PCI DSS Could Benefit From Out of Band One Time Password Authentication

The PCI DSS or payment card industry data security standard protects cardholder's identities however does PCI DSS compliance mean your customers confidential data is well protected? Although there is requirement for strong security, technology is changing rapidly and attackers are becoming savvier. Malware is everywhere and the chance of interaction with an infected computer, whether company or client side, is inevitable.

There does not have to be a complete overhaul of the compliance standards but instead an addition. With so many consumer interactions being handled through mobile devices today an out of band one time password authentication process would eliminate many troubles without expensive burdens placed on the financial institutions.

PCI DSS compliance was developed by Visa, JCB, MasterCard and American Express and requires the implementation of two factor authentication. Authentication is required for any remote access to the network however there is no requirement for an out of band OTP. All that is required is 2 of 3 factors be present before an identity is securely authenticated. However if a password is transmitted it must only be encrypted using strong cryptography.

The problem with not requiring out of band authentication by utilizing a separate network for the OTP is that all operations of the authentication process are handled in one location. This leaves the process vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks where an infected computer or device is transmitting information and an attacker intercepts the transmissions.

Becoming more common in the media, man-in-the-middle attacks are often the way hackers gain access for data breaches. When only one device is used for identifying a user the ease of phishing information or implementing malicious software to gain identification information for authentication is relatively trivial.

By utilizing out of band one time password authentication the OTP is sent through a different transmission network such as the phone company's network. This creates a problem for hackers since gaining access to both of the devices, the computer and mobile phone, can be a difficult task and beyond that being able to sync both hacked transmission networks to one owner would be almost impossible.

When you think about authentication security especially for an industry with as much value as financial verticals have, you want the strongest protection possible. Protecting you customer's personal data goes beyond PCI DSS compliance because customer trust is the future of any business. By utilizing a smarter process you eliminate the chance that a weak link in the chain leaves you susceptible. Whether the client's computer or the businesses computer is infected it would not matter, the attacker could only receive so much identifiable information for the authentication process.

When it comes to the customer a company does need protection through strong authentication, however, no expensive burden should be passed on to the client. Some out of band OTP authentication processes utilize proprietary tokens rather than mobile devices that have proven to be less than effective.

Some very large data breaches such as the RSA data breach have been attributed to tokens not utilizing truly dynamic passwords. Also the extra hardware to carry around and the expense associated with these tokens and their network does not make them a viable out of band one time password source.

By utilizing a mobile phone as the token device the user would not need to carry anything extra. SMS text messages also utilize an already existing infrastructure so there is no added cost of running a new network.

Even though PCI DSS compliance can benefit from out of band OTP authentication it does not mean a company could not offer stronger security that is seemingly inexpensive for its consumers. Not to mention that a data breach does not look well on your company record and could potentially destroy you business.

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Firewall Security: Shielding Against Internet Threats

Use of the internet has become vital in modern times. Its applications play a great role in individual and community growth. Applications on the internet offer great fun but are unsafe and prone to unauthorized access and security threats. Also, sometimes one has to face the possibility of information theft with the establishment of unauthorized software hampering your software, which all points to security risk. In fact, an internet security firewall can best shield the computer.

Why is internet security so vital?

All of us are vulnerable to cyber security threats, but we can safeguard ourselves from them. Government offices and corporations are especially on the radar of computer criminals. They attack the networks for the purposes of theft or leaking a firm's confidential data. These threats can downgrade the business' reputation. These types of cyber security breaches lead to great destruction of what one might be aware and sometimes there are unseen damages as well.

Firewall protection is essential to security

Firewall is a sure sort of solution for tackling cyber threats. It is a hardware or software system protecting any unauthorized access from or to a network. Firewall security can easily be implemented in hardware and software, and in combination. Following are the advantages that are offered for internet security:

1 - Firewall protection makes sure that unauthorized internet users never reach private networks when connected to the internet. The firewall is the midpoint, which checks the entering or leaving of data in the intranet. Each packet is examined and allowed to pass through if it matches specified security criteria.

2 - Firewall security bans unauthorized access to the network and only allows the access of authorized communications.

3 - It is one of the most suitable ways to remain safe from viruses, Trojans or malware which can repeatedly try to continue interfering and damaging connecting to the internet or network.

4 - Generally, a firewall operates one way and monitors inbound traffic. Windows XP and Vista, for instance, fail to tackle multiple threats.

5 - For complete firewall protection, one should go with a two-way firewall. Both the inbound and outbound traffic is checked for internet security threats. The two-way firewall operates as an intrusion detection system starting with the outbound connection.

Firewall security functions in a simplified way. The method of communication in the network is by passing small packets from the originator. The installed firewall is capable of analyzing the type of message and also determining whether the originator is authentic or not.

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Benefits of Firewall Software

A firewall is essentially the divider between your computer and the internet. When the firewall is turned on in a computer, it is used to detect and prevent any unauthorized use or access to your personal network. The firewall analyzes all of the data coming and going from your network based on the parameters that you have set. Your firewall is an important part of your network and it provides an in-depth protection against the majority of the attacks coming from the diverse world of the internet.

Low Cost

Considering that many firewalls are already installed on your computer thanks to your operating system, you will generally have to pay absolutely nothing to ensure the protection of your computer. For the computer owners that are without a firewall, you will be able to acquire a firewall for an inexpensive cost or for free, depending what company you go with. The fact that you can get the utmost amount of protection for virtually no cost is a beneficial factor in itself.

Outside Entity Detection

The majority of firewalls offered by reputable companies not only decide what to let in and out of your computer but they can also detect harmful attacks against your data. Most firewall software will have the ability to detect viruses, worms, trojans, or harmful data collectors. This way you don't have to worry about anyone trying to access your personal information.

Configuring and Reconfiguring

Another large benefit of software firewalls is that they are configurable. Sometimes you will notice that when you visit a website it will not allow you to view certain images or videos because they come in conflict with your firewall's parameters. Having a configurable firewall allows you to choose what you want to view and what you don't want to view based on your browsing habits. That way, you can have complete freedom with what you view without having to worry about a program preventing you from doing so. Reconfiguring is also beneficial because if you are unhappy with your original configurations, you can change them as many times as you please. For example, if you are using the computer and you want to be able to view everything you want, you can turn your firewall off completely. If your child then wants to browse the internet, you can turn the firewall on so that they are less likely to come across malicious entities by way of their browsing habits.

Firewalls are one of the best ways to ensure the safety of your computer and the protection of the files and data on it. Considering that there is a large amount of malicious viruses such as worms and trojans littered all over the internet, firewalls can help you to avoid them from accessing your network. Most computers come with a pre-installed firewall but if you find that you are without one, you should find a downloadable program. Firewalls are completely customizable which makes them easier for use and they are also relatively low in cost if you are looking to purchase one directly from the manufacturer. For an inexpensive cost, you can offer your network all the security that it could possibly need.

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What Are The Essentials Of Website Security?

When you run your online business on a computer, website security is vital in making sure your protected information doesn't get caught in the hands of the hackers or possibly erased by a harmful virus. If you happen to be selling products through a website, your customers need to feel that your site is secure when they pass off personal and financial data; otherwise, you would possibly see a decreased traffic as well as sales, thus hampering your business. A good rule of thumb for you to work by is, when your clients don't feel safe and secure, they won't utilize your website.

There are lot of benefits to monitoring your site, particularly to make certain it remains secure and never open to attacks from malware or hackers. The most important advantage of ensuring website security strategy happens to be in place is it provides you and your visitors peace of mind when they go onto the web site.

Do you plan to enter your bank card information and address to a website which is simply not secure and even posed a risk for id theft? No, and also your potential customers won't either. Trust and security are actually two priceless services you will provide your clients after they get you business.

While searching for tips on how to add security to your site, consider the purchase of a security and safety monitor programs which works to get other websites which have harmful viruses or even information before there is a possibility to attack your own website. Many of these programs give you the

following benefits:

Frequent reports of potentially harmful websites Provide support to get help removing harmful programs, if needed Step-by-step process to eliminate viruses Eliminate malware before it penetrates your personal computer Lists all the malware programs with the possibility of getting back in the computer

Along with virus protectors, a website security program will help have your PC and information safe. While it keeps the data in the website safe, you can also ensure safety and protection for your customers if they're providing you with secure data as well as information, such as an address, credit card or pass code numbers.

Keeping your web site as safe as possible is in the best interest of you and also your company. For instance, if the internet search engine determines that your site is not really safe, it can cause you to lose your ranking. Losing position on a search engine means your clients won't be able to find you, that will affect your business along with profits. This suggests that you will not only lose the buyers you have, but also in fact will stop you from increasing business.

A website security program is an excellent investment when you wish to offer safety for your customers, and yourself. When you are concerned about the costs of such software, keep in mind that it will not compare with all the possible impact of loss customers on your business. Security for you and your customers is one of the most main reasons of having a successful business.

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Understanding The VPN Services

VPN services allow you to connect to any server on the Internet securely. The way they work is by providing you with an IP address that is completely anonymized and by encrypting all of your communication with the VPN server. To facilitate this, they usually offer several different servers located across a wide geographic area. To get yourself hooked up with the right VPN service, you should make an effort to understand the basics of how they work and what you can expect from different types of VPN services.

Assess Your Needs

The first thing you want to determine is how much you're actually likely to use the VPN service. Some people are likely to use the service almost all the time and others will probably only use it when they are using certain programs that they need to keep secure. If you plan to use the VPN service all the time, you'll want a service that offers you plenty of bandwidth. There are services out there that offer unlimited bandwidth and, if you plan to use your VPN service even for casual web browsing, you want to get one of these unlimited plans.

If you only need to use your VPN service to hook up to one particular server or for one particular program, you can get a greatly reduced amount of bandwidth. The low-end of bandwidth offerings usually starts at around five gigabytes per month. If you're interested in one of these lower end plans, you'll end up saving money and, provided you get enough bandwidth, you'll still get enough service to make certain that you can engage in safe Internet browsing whenever you need to.

You'll also want to check to see where the VPN service has servers located. Some of these services have a huge number of servers located throughout the world and others only have a few. Ideally, you should be hooking up to a server that is close to your geographical location. This ensures that you're getting the best speed and performance out of the network. Make certain that you check to see if there is any difference between the services available on each of the different servers provided by the network. There usually isn't, but it's always good to make certain.

There are quite a few add-on features that VPN services like to include to make their product more attractive. With these features, make certain that you're getting what you're paying for out of them that you'll actually use any additional services that you decide to purchase. In some cases, you may be able to get by with a less expensive VPN service, as the additional features won't be of much use to you. It really just depends upon your needs.

Take a look at reviews of VPN providers to get an idea of how they stack up compared to one another. These are good ways for you to determine what features each of them has available and how you might benefit more from one particular service provider than you would from another.

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The 3 Best Password Manager Software Programs Out There

On a daily basis people make a lot of transactions over the internet and that is why for them safety is the number one priority. Doing banking on the internet, shopping around and exchanging files are all part of a normal day for many people and this is where the need for extra security is required.

Online banking and other activities though have become so commonplace that it has made it easy for certain people to want to take advantage of them. What these hackers do is that they're stealing passwords and thus use them to access bank people's money accounts and other valuables. When someone has the info for accessing them, there will be unexplainable withdrawals from the online banking accounts and of course, strange purchases that will be charged to the credit cards attached to that account. On top of that, in many cases the security of the E-mails and the internet file repositories will also be hacked.

The fact is that there is a solution to defer all of these from happening and that solution lies into the use of the best password manager. Using one people will never feel insecure when shopping around on the internet, accessing their bank account and so on. Of course out there many such programs exist so for people it becomes quite hard to know which of them is actually the best. So what is the best password manager out there today?

RoboForm Pro

Without a doubt RoboForm is one of the best password manager software people can find on the market. What draws people in to it is its ease of use and the fact they can take advantage of it with just a few clicks. No more searching the program menus on the computer in order to access RoboForm, as users will only need to point their mouse button on the software's button and start using it.

So how does it work?

This software is very similar to a notebook in terms that in it there are all the passwords and account names created and should they have any PINs, they will also be there. For those who want to, they can also have this list printed out for better access to their personal information. The software can also create a master password that users will have to enter whenever they would like to gain access to their personal information. The software supports twenty languages and the password can be as long as five hundred and twelve characters. On top of that the software also comes with an auto-fill function.

If there is a limitation the software has that is while people will take advantage of it in the free trial version. It only lasts them for thirty days and when it expires it won't function anymore. When this happens people might feel vulnerable.

Turbo Passwords

Many people think this software is actually the one that comes closest to RoboForm. It has many aspects that are similar to RoboForm and one of them numbers the ease of use. In fact Turbo Passwords was designed with user friendliness in mind. And just as RoboForm it works pretty much as a notebook where the user will list all of their accounts and their passwords pr personal identification numbers. More to that it can also perform functions like auto-filling.

If there's a difference between the two software types that is the fact that Turbo Passwords can be exported to a personal digital assistant. Compared to RoboForm, Turbo Passwords doesn't prompt the user to save a new password.

Handy Password

Last in this list Handy Password is a very popular password managing software. It allows the user to store his or her passwords and related accounts and then allows to secure them with a master password. Encryption and auto fill are also offered by Handy Password.

If there is something that this software doesn't share with the two mentioned in this article, that is its user friendliness. The interface is not that easy to use and people will at times feel confused using it.

Well then, for those who are looking for the best password manager choosing between these 3 is certainly going to let them in on the type of software that suits their needs. Everyone has different requirements and will find one of these 3 software programs to be the best password manager to use.

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How to Select a Good Password

In today's world of Internet accounts for banks, work, email, social networking, even the children's grades at school, more and more people find themselves selecting a password for log in accounts than ever before. All too often we are tempted to select an easy password thinking, 'that is good enough for me.' With a few simple guidelines it is easy to select a password that is not only memorable but far more secure than just entering a birth date or, worse yet, the word 'password.'

Avoid the obvious

The first thing to avoid when selecting a password is to avoid the obvious. It is shocking to hear how many people simply use the word password. Even more shocking is when people use the same thing for both the user name and password. Some computer systems offer a method to find user names currently registered. Passwords for those accounts are typically encrypted but if the user name is also used for the password then guessing becomes very easy.

Some other obvious passwords are birth dates and middle names. Although a stranger may have a difficult time finding that information (but not impossible) individuals close by could get that information much easier. In a cut-throat office environment or even pubic schools accounts are frequently logged in to by adversaries that are only out to sabotage the account holders reputation.

Do not share your passwords

This brings us to the second important thing about passwords, do not share them with anyone. Never get pulled in by someone saying, 'I want to share your account' no matter how close they are. Every person needs their own account for several reasons. If someone is removed from responsibility on an account it is much easier to just disable an account than it is to change the password and let everyone else know the new password. As a web developer, we see many times when an employee is terminated and attempts made to sabotage business systems by disgruntled ex-employees.

Frequently, school students are enamored with a new romantic interest and think it shows trust to give out their password to the new friend. What they do not realize is that when they break up (and really, how many couples in school break up? Most of them!) one mad partner can be anything from a small nuisance to a cause of injury or even suicide evidenced in the national news on nearly a daily basis.

Select passwords that are not real words

Finally, a good password should be something only the account owner would ever know. Random numbers and letters with varied upper and lower cases are highly effective, but can sometimes be hard to remember. Symbols can be included if the system allows, but not all systems allow anything more than letters and numbers.

Something resembling a word but not quite a word is both effective and easy to remember, especially if it is random and can only be known by one person with no chance of guessing. Assembling letters is easy with a little understanding of the English language. Most words start with consonants and certain letters usually follow others like 'u' after 'q', 'est', 'nks', etc. Adding numeric digits to the end just add little more security and are actually required by some systems.

The length of the password can vary and do so frequently. Creating a longer password is obviously more secure than a very short one.

A few examples of such manufactured words would be: Joinnije, Dsumedao, Oglocyllyzyz or Gyedjuibao61. With a little creativity these can be pronounced which would make them easier to remember any time you need them.

The next time you are required to select a password take a few extra moments to secure your confidential account, don't select an obvious password. Create a new word that has never existed but make sure it can be remembered by making it pronounceable. And finally, never share that password with anyone else. With more and more of our lives locked up in servers across the world wide web develop security savvy habits to protect that information.

For a free page that will create passwords like this for you, visit

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VPN, The Great Wall, And The More Things Change

"...the more they stay the same." Or so says the French Proverb ("Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"). Don't laugh, it's all true; "history would be more interesting if it were not so repetitious "(I have no idea where that last quotation comes from, but I love it!) Watching the interaction--or lack thereof--between VPN and "The Great Chinese Firewall" goes a long way toward proving my point.

As all of us who watch the Discovery Channel know, the Great Wall of China was built during the reign of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China, about 2000 or so years ago. Then as now, Chinese authorities feared incursions from beyond their borders; then it was marauding bands of savage horsemen from the steppes preying on China's wealthy cities; now the fear is that uncensored information will undermine the pillars of the empire.

As only those lonely souls among us who have time to keep up with the turbulent world of technical acronyms might have reason to know, "VPN" stands for "Virtual Private Network," a method of using public telecommunications infrastructure in such a fashion as to mimic the many advantages of private secured lines without incurring the disadvantage of vastly higher operating expenses. And while private lines would be easily discoverable, virtual private networks "hide in plain sight" amid the overwhelming confusion of public infrastructure.

Just as fearsome barbarian tribesmen once rode fleet ponies along the Great Wall looking for weak spots allowing them access to the dazzling cities beyond, today's barbarians thwart Chinese officialdom's attempts at censorship by "tunneling" under the aptly named "Great Chinese Firewall" with discrete packets of encrypted code decipherable only within the secure confines of individual virtual private networks.

In spite of their swift ponies and cleverness, the earlier barbarians often fell afoul of the Chinese Empire's guardians. Then as now they were numerous, devoted to the empire, and technologically sophisticated; it was after all, the Chinese that developed gunpowder and used primitive rockets to frighten their enemies horses. Today's Chinese censors are proving equally difficult to deal with; at first unable to cope with the innocent looking, discrete packets of code, they finally developed methods in the last few years of isolating and terminating them before they reached their intended destinations. Equally adept, the virtual private networks changed their methodology to find other means of continuing contact with their clients beyond the wall.

Great Wall. Great Chinese Firewall. Words, nothing but words involved with similar human interactions several thousand years apart. As it says in the Book of Ecclesiastes, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."

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What Is An Internet Security Suite?

Our trust as a society fluctuates dramatically. We surround our homes with security cameras, lock doors with chains that rival prisons and run extensive background checks on our hairdressers. Yet when it comes to the internet we are strangely willing to wander blindly through the complex web of the online world with little to no protection. This should not be our attitude toward this technology. Though it is an amazing resource that offers huge benefits, it can also be dangerous. There are hackers, thieves and other predators roaming the internet looking to steal any information they possibly can and use it for their own benefit. Considering the sensitivity of the information that is routinely transferred over the internet, this could be devastating. In order to protect yourself from potentially destructive effects of internet corruption it is important that you invest in an internet security suite.

What is an Internet Security Suite?

An internet security suite is essentially software you download onto your computer and that then acts as a defense mechanism for your computer and all of the information within. These comprehensive programs are built to protect the computer on multiple levels. They are able to detect threats such as viruses, malignant cookies and other dangers and prevent them from affecting your system. These programs are also capable of preventing your personal information from being stolen.

These programs consist of software that you download directly into your computer's operating system. They are comprised of different subprograms that protect your computer and you in different, cooperative ways. Antivirus software specifically defends against viruses that you could inadvertently download onto your computer, causing system damage. Antispyware software attacks clandestine programs aiming to steal your information. Firewalls prevent dangerous people and programs from getting through.

Why are they Important?

Internet security suites can prevent devastating damage to your computer from viruses and other threats. Some malware programs are capable of causing total system crashes that destroy the computer and make all files and information held within it totally inaccessible. Often these viruses are sent into your computer in the form of Trojans, or hidden viruses. The malignant program is concealed within an innocent-looking email, false update, or website. You cannot tell that it is a virus until it has already affected your computer. Sometimes these damaging effects are completely irreversible. These viruses can also turn your computer into their own personal attack centers, stealing your email contact lists and sending out viral emails to everyone you have contacted. Those recipients are then at danger of downloading the virus.

Other threats include programs that can infiltrate your computer searching for financial and other personal information. These programs are referred to as spyware, because they sneak into your system and "spy" on your activities and information. This information is then brought back to the predator who can use it to steal your money, your identity and your personal security. Internet security software suites keep your computer safe, as well as behaving as your virtual bodyguard to defend your interests in all of your online activity.

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Email Archiving Protects Your Data From The Wrong Kind Of People

In a world of lawsuits and subpoenas, your business must keep complete and accurate records of all electronic correspondence. The US Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as well as other related laws around the world, requires that a corporation maintain all its electronic data for a period of no less than seven years.

Liability over privacy violations is a huge issue today. You cannot eliminate mail accumulated over so many years. There are multiple copies in existence, both with the sender as well as the receiver. Mail goes around so often that it can become quite hard to trace. Aside from this, most of this data is within the hard drives of numerous office personal computers, laptops, and workstations.

You need to undergo an electronic discovery in case an irate client decides to sue. Also known as "e-discovery", this process will ask you to submit all requested pertinent information. Failure to do so will result in having to face serious consequences and paying off stiff penalties.

This is where email archiving comes into play. Once your company decides to use this, all your messages and attachments will undergo indexing and storing using these specially designed software systems. Data such as SMS, chat messages, calendars, contacts, and notes all form part of your archived material.

With all that information to manage, you need to seriously consider email archiving. This makes incoming and outgoing email easily accessible later on. At the end of the day, you can save yourself the trouble of wasting precious time on futile searches carried out through standard backup media or paper records.

Wondering what kind of email archiving is out there? There are several of these in existence. You can find them in the form of software packages. They support most electronic mail messaging systems and installing them via on-site or outsourced to an external host is possible. All you have to do is decide which option will work best for you.

Email archiving software is similar to the black boxes found on airplanes. They create and maintain tamper-evident safe holds of all electronic correspondence that enter and exit an organization. It also archives all necessary data, enforces internal policies, and addresses electronic discovery and storage management.

Email archiving solutions make life easier. They integrate seamlessly into existing systems, and speed up your email sending performance while lowering storage handling costs and providing enhanced search capabilities. Another key benefit to this is the easy access to your records at any given time.

With so much data floating out there, take the right steps to securing your information. Remember that there are people in this world with bad intentions. They may want to sabotage your company by using confidential and sensitive data in a malicious way.

An email archiving solution locks all of this safely. You can now access and find information in one centralized archive. Aside from this, importing mail from different sources is not a problem once you sorted out all the complicated data-related issues that come with doing business in this Internet age.

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